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A case-control study of risk factors in light Taenia saginata cysticercosis in Danish cattle

»Case-control« undersøgelse af risikofaktorer for lavgradige Taenia saginata cysticercoseinfektioner i dansk kvæg


Risk factors in light T. saginata cysticercosis in cattle herds were investigated in a case-control study. The case group consisted of farms from which cattle with low-grade cysticercosis had been detected at slaughter. The control group consisted of farms where no cases were detected during the same period. The major risk factor identified was allowing cattle access to drink from streams carrying effluent from sewage treatment plants (odds ratio = 3.6). Spreading of septic tank sludge through deliberate or accidential mixing with animal slurry, deposition of sewage sludge, and proximity to railways, camping sites or sewage treatment plants seemed to be of minor importance.


Risikofaktorer for lavgradige Taenia saginata cysticercoseinfektioner blev belyst i en »case-control« undersøgelse. Case-gruppen bestod af besætninger, hvorfra der var fundet slagtedyr med op til 10 tinter, og kontrolgruppen omfattede besætninger uden tintefund i dyr, slagtet indenfor samme tidsrum.

Den største enkelte risikofaktor ved lavgradig cysticercoseinfektion var adgang til at drikke fra vandløb, der førte urenset spildevand og effluent fra spildevandsrensningsanlæg (Odds Ratio 3,6). Spredning af spildevandsslam, evt. efter opblanding i husdyrgylle, og græsning op til jernbane, campingpladser eller rensningsanlæg synes derimod at spille en mindre væsentlig rolle for udbredningen af lavgradige T. saginata cysticercoseinfektioner.


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Kyvsgaard, N.C., Ilsøe, B., Willeberg, P. et al. A case-control study of risk factors in light Taenia saginata cysticercosis in Danish cattle. Acta Vet Scand 32, 243–252 (1991).

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