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Bisection of Bovine Morulae and Blastocysts from Superovulated Danish Dairy Cows

Bisektion of morula og blastocyststadier fra superovulerede køer


Sixtyfour compacted morulae and blastocysts were bisected with a microscalpel. The majority of the demi-embryos (n= 122) were reinserted into separate zona pellucidae (ZP) before non-surgical transfer to 113 syncronized recipients, as singles (n = 98) (DE-S) or in pairs (n = 30) (DE-P). Thirty non-manipulated embryos (E) were transferred during the same period and served as controls. Pregnancies were diagnosed by rectal palpation 4–7 weeks after transfer. The pregnancy rates for DE-S, DE-P and E were 32%, 53% and 40%, respectively (P > 0.05). A substantial number of abortions were recorded between 50 and 250 days of pregnancy among the recipients with DE-S. The fetal survival rate for DE-S was reduced to 21% and significantly lower (p < 0.05) than the survival rates of DE-P (43%) and E (40%). The quality of DE and the presence of ZP did not significantly influence the results. No conclusive reasons for the fetal loss could be found but different possibilities are discussed.


Fireogtres (64) kompakte morulae og blastocyster blev kløvet med en miroskalpel. Hovedparten (n-122) af demiembryonerne (DE) blev genindsat i separate zonae pellucidae (ZP), inden de blev transplanteret ikke-kirurgisk, enten enkeltvis (DE-S, n = 98) eller parvis (DE-P, n = 30) til 113 synkroniserede recipienter. Tredive (30) hele embryoner (E), som blev transplanteret indenfor samme periode, udgjorde kontrol gruppen. Drægtighed blev diagnosticeret ved rektal palpation 5-7 uger efter transplantationen. Drægtighedsprocenterne for DE-S, DE-P og E var henholdsvis 32%, 55% og 40% (P>0,05). Et væsentlig antal aborter blev iagttaget mellem 60. og 250. drægtighedsdag blandt DE-S, således at den føtale overlevelsesrate hos denne gruppe kun blev 21 %, hvilket var signifikant lavere (P<00.5) end overlevelsesraterne for DE-P (43%) og E (37%). Kvaliteten af DE og tilstedeværelsen af ZP påvirkede ikke resultaterne signifikant. Der blev ikke fundet konklusive årsager til aborterne, men forskellige muligheder diskuteres.


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Holm, P., Greve, T., Bak, A. et al. Bisection of Bovine Morulae and Blastocysts from Superovulated Danish Dairy Cows. Acta Vet Scand 32, 47–53 (1991).

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