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Prevalence of Antibody to Chicken Anaemia Virus (CAV) in Swedish Chicken Breeding Flocks Correlated to Outbreaks of Blue Wing Disease (BWD) in their Progeny

Förekomst av antikroppar mot chicken anemia virus (CAV) i svenska avelshönsflockar korrelerat till utbrott av blåvingesjuka hos deras avkomma


A serological survey for antibody to Chicken Anaemia Virus (CAV) was performed on broiler breeders as well as layer breeding birds in Sweden at the end of their rearing period. Grandparents (GP) of both types leaving quarantine were in 21 out of 26 cases free from antibody to CAV, but often became infected soon thereafter. A total of 10 outbreaks of blue wing disease (BWD) in 3 series were recorded in the broiler and layer parent generation, all of which were progeny of 3 late seroconverting GP-flocks. All but one of 22 layer parent flocks had been infected and had seroconverted during the rearing period. Subsequently BWD was not recorded from commercial layers. Broiler parent flocks were more protected from CAV infection during rearing. Eighteen out of 94 broiler parent flocks had not developed antibody to CAV before coming into lay. Outbreaks of BWD were reported in progeny flocks from all these broiler breeders, with the exception of those that had been vaccinated.

Good hygienic routines along with isolation of the birds delayed the seroconversion to CAV in broiler breeders and vaccination of these breeders protected their progeny from outbreaks of BWD. Broiler flocks in houses where BWD had occurred recently had always antibodies to CAV at slaughter. It was possible to eradicate the infection from the house and prevent the infection between flocks by proper cleaning and disinfection of the broiler houses.


En serologisk undersökning av forekomsten av antikroppar mot chicken anaemia virus (CAV) genomfördes på avelsflockar for såväl slaktkyckling som värphöns under slutet av uppfödningsperioden. Faroch morföräldrar (GP) av båda typer saknade antikroppar mot CAV när de lämnade karantänen i 21 av 26 undersökta flockar. Tre GP-flockar, som smittades först sedan de börjat lägga befruktade ägg, producerade 3 serier av utbrott i sammanlagt 10 föräldraflockar som drabbades av blåvingesjuka (BWD). Tjugotvå värphönsföräldraflockar, som testades efter uppfödningen hade alia utom en smittats och bildat antikroppar mot CAV Slaktkycklingföräldrarna var mer skyddade mot CAV-smitta under uppfödningen; 18 av 94 flockar hade inte bildat antikroppar när de lämnat uppfödningshusen. Alia sent smittade föräldrar spred CAV till avkomman, resulterande i ett stort antal utbrott av BWD.

God hygien och isolerad uppfödning kunde skydda aveldjuren från art bli smittade av CAV så att de inte blev immuna under uppfödningen. En kontrollerad infektion i form av ett vaccin utvecklade immunitet och skyddade avkomman mot BWD.

Vid serologisk undersökning av slaktkycklingflockar på slakterier sågs antikroppar mot CAV framför allt i flockar som var uppfödda i hus där det nyligen förekommit utbrott med blåvingesjuka. Det gick att sanera smittan från husen med noggrann rengöring och desinfektion, men det var svårt.


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Engström, B.E. Prevalence of Antibody to Chicken Anaemia Virus (CAV) in Swedish Chicken Breeding Flocks Correlated to Outbreaks of Blue Wing Disease (BWD) in their Progeny. Acta Vet Scand 40, 97–107 (1999).

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