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Influence of Restricted Suckling and Level of Feed Supplementation on Postpartum Reproductive Performance of Zebu and Crossbred Cattle in the Semi-Arid Tropics

Inverkan av begränsad digivning och utfodringsnivå på fertiliteten efter kalvning hos zebu- och blandraskor i Tanzania


This study was carried out in central Tanzania on a group of 45 Zebu and 37 crossbred cows which were 4 to 10 years old. At calving time, the animals were allocated to one of the 4 treatment groups. In addition to free access to grazing for all cows in the study, in group H: AR (n = 18), cows were fed a high level of concentrate supplementation (4kg/day) and calves were artificially reared; in group H:RS (n = 24), cows were fed a high level of concentrate supplementation (4kg/day) and calves were only allowed restricted suckling up until the weaning age of 6 months. In group L:AR (n = 23) cows were fed a low level of concentrate supplementation (2kg/day) and calves were artificially reared; and in group L:RS (n = 17) cows were fed a low level of concentrate supplementation (2kg/day) and calves were only allowed restricted suckling up until the weaning age of 6 months. Milk progesterone was used as a means of determining the postpartum resumption interval (PRI) and the interval from parturition to conception (PCI). The overall PRI was 47.4 ± 0.4 days and was significantly affected by breed but not by calving season, with crossbred cows exhibiting a shorter PRI than Zebu cows. The effect of the treatments was significant, with cows in the group H:AR displaying a significantly shorter PRI than those in the other groups, while cows in group L:RS showed a significantly longer PRI than those in the other groups. The overall PCI was 149.5 ±3.7 days, and was not significantly affected by breed or calving season. The effect of the treatments was significant, with cows in the group H:AR having a significantly shorter PCI than cows in the other groups, while cows in group L:RS showed a significantly longer PCI than those in the other groups. Crossbred cows had higher live weights at calving (299.4 kg) than Zebu cows (272.6 kg), while all cows gained weight during the first 3 months after calving. The treatments had a significant effect on weight gain, with cows in the group H:AR gaining significantly more weight than those in the other groups. Cows which had high live weights at calving exhibited significantly shorter PRI and PCI than the lighter cows. Animals which had gained more than 5 kg during the first month after calving, or which had gained more than 8 kg during the first 3 months after calving, showed significantly shorter PRI and PCI than cows which had gained less weight. The results show that the calf rearing system and the level of feed supplementation interact with each other and can influence the postpartum anoestrous period in Zebu and Zebu crossbred cattle. Increasing the level of nutrition in restricted suckling cows tended to improve the postpartum anoestrous period, but the positive effects of supplementation could not completely compensate for the negative effects of suckling.


Studien genomfördes i Tanzania på en grupp av 45 zebu och 37 blandraskor mellan 4–10 år gamla. Efter kalvning delades korna in i fyra gupper. I den forstå gruppen (H:AR) supplementerades korna med 4 kg koncentrat per dag och kalvarna föddes upp artificiellt. I den andra gruppen (H:RS) supplementerades korna med 4 kg koncentrat per dag och kalvarna tilläts dia 2 gånger per dag. I den tredje gruppen (L: AR) supplementerades korna med 2 kg koncentrat per dag och kalvarna foddes upp artificiellt. I den fjärde gruppen (L:RS) supplementerades korna med 2 kg koncentrat per dag och kalvarna tilläts dia 2 gånger per dag. Samtliga djur hade fri tillgång till bete. Koncentrationen progesteron i mjölk användes för att bestämma när den cykliska äggstocksaktiviteten började efter kalvning och hur långt intervallet var mellan kalvning och dräktighet. Korna började cykla i genomsnitt 47.4 ± 0.4 dagar efter kalvning. Renrasiga zebukor startade senare än blandraskor. Effekten av behandling påverkade när äggstocksaktiviteten startade. Kor i gruppen H:AR startade signifikant tidigare än övriga grupper och kor i gruppen L:RS startade signifikant senare än de övriga grupperna. Det genomsnittliga intervallet mellan kalvning och dräktighet var 149.5 ± 3.7 dagar och ingen skillnad registrerades mellan raser. Effekten av behandling påverkade intervallet. Kor i gruppen H:AR hade ett signifikant kortare intervall mellan kalvning och dräktighet än kor i de andra grupperna och djur i grupp L:RS hade ett signifikant längre intervall än kor i de andra grupperna. Blandraskor vägde mer vid kalvningen (299.4 kg) än zebukor (272.6 kg). Samtliga djur ökade i vikt de första tre månaderna efter kalvning. Behandlingen påverkade viktökningen Kor i gruppen H:AR ökade signifikant mer i vikt än djur i de övriga grupperna. Ett samband registrerades mellan vikt vid kalvning och fortplantningsparametrarna. Ju högre vikt destå kortare var intervallet till återupptagen cyklicitet och dräktighet. Kor som hade ökat mer än 5 kg den första månaden och mer än 8 kg de första tre månaderna efter kalvning visade signifikant kortare tid till återupptagen äggstocksaktivitet och dräktighet. Studien visade att en förbättrade utfodringsregim kan forkorta tiden mellan kalvning och nästa dräktighet men den positiva effekten av förbättrad utfodring kan inte helt kompensera den negativa effekten av digivning.


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Das, S., Forsberg, M. & Wiktorsson, H. Influence of Restricted Suckling and Level of Feed Supplementation on Postpartum Reproductive Performance of Zebu and Crossbred Cattle in the Semi-Arid Tropics. Acta Vet Scand 40, 57–67 (1999).

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