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Bovine Mastitis Induced by a Common Intestinal Chlamydia Psittaci Strain

Bovin mastitis induceret med den almindeligt forekommende intestinale Chlamydia psittaci stamme. — En patogenetisk og serologisk undersøgelse

A Pathogenetic and Serological Investigation


Cattle are frequently infected with a persisting intestinal Chlamydia psittaci strain, which through the manure deposit will contaminate their surroundings. The potential of such a strain (ROS) for inducing mastitis was demonstrated in 7 cows, inoculated in 1 udder-quarter through the teat canal, and the pathogenetic events provoked were compared with those of more virulent and infrequently isolated strains, viz. the EAE and the SBE strains. The chlamydial agent caused during a 2–3 weeks period a local, self-limiting exudative mastitis with a fibrinous secretion, leading to a state of reduced milk production. Increasing titres of complement fixing and agglutinating antibodies were demonstrated in whey and serum. The results from the 2 serological methods did not substitute each other entirely, so that both tests had to be employed in order to demonstrate the presence of the agent in all cases. Demonstration in 1 animal showed that the infection left the gland with resistance to reinfection.


Kvæg er hyppigt inficeret med en persisterende intestinal G. psittaci stamme, som gennem gødningsafsættelsen vil inficere omgivelserne. Muligheden for at en sådan stamme kan fremkalde mastitis blev undersøgt ved at inokulere 7 køer lokalt i en yverfjerdedel gennem pattekanalen, hvorefter sygdomsforløbet blev sammenlignet med det, der kan fremkaldes af mere virulente stammer (EAE & SBE).

Agens forårsagede en lokal, selvbegrænsende eksudativ mastitis med en fibrinøs sekretion, der førte til en permanent tilbagegang i mælkeproduktionen.

Stigende titerværdier af komplementbindende- og agglutinerende antistoffer blev demonstreret i valle og i serum. De to serologiske metoder gav ikke identiske resultater, hvorfor begge findes nødvendige for i alle tilfælde at kunne demonstrere agens’ tilstedeværelse lokalt. Resultaterne fra èt dyr viste endvidere, at den overståede infektion gav anledning til beskyttelse imod reinfektion.


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Rønsholt, L., Basse, A. Bovine Mastitis Induced by a Common Intestinal Chlamydia Psittaci Strain. Acta Vet Scand 22, 9–22 (1981).

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