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Effects of 2-Mercaptoethanol on The Solubility of Copper and Zinc Containing Proteins in Liver Samples From Normal and Chronic Copper Poisoned Sheep

Effekten av 2-merkaptoetanol på lösligheten hos koppar- och zinkhaltiga proteiner i leverprover från normala och kroniskt kopparförgiftade får.


The solubility of Cu and Zn binding proteins was studied in liver samples from clinically healthy and chronic copper poisoned sheep (CCP). Homogenized liver was divided by ultracentrifugation into cytosol and pellet. The cytosol was gelfiltrated, Cu and Zn contents were determined in the eluates as well as in the pellet. Liver homogenate, cytosol and pellet were treated with 2-mercaptoethanol (ME). The resulting clear solutions were fractionated by gel filtration followed by determination of the contents of the two metals in the eluates.

In CCP sheep the solubility of Cu containing proteins from the liver homogenate and pellet increased after incubation with ME.

The results suggest that in CCP sheep a considerable amount of Cu containing proteins are present in an insoluble form, which to some extent is resolubilized by ME.


Lösligheten hos Cu -och Zn-bindande proteiner undersöktes i leverprover från kliniskt friska får och får som dött i kronisk kopparförgiftning (KKF). Homogeniserade leverprover delades med ultracentrifugering i cytosol och pellet. Cu och Zn bestämdes i cytosolen efter gelfiltrering och i pelletten. Leverhomogenat, cytosol och pellet behandlades var för sig med 2-merkaptoetanol (ME). Den klara supernatanten gelfiltrerades, och de två metallerna bestämdes i eluatet.

Vid KKF ökade lösligheten hos Cu-haltiga proteiner i homogenat och pellet efter behandling med ME.

Resultaten visar att hos får med KKF befinner sig en betydande del av de normalt lösliga Cu-haltiga proteinerna i en olöslig form, men de blir åter lösliga vid behandling med ME.


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Hussein, K.S.M., Frank, A., Jones, B.E.V. et al. Effects of 2-Mercaptoethanol on The Solubility of Copper and Zinc Containing Proteins in Liver Samples From Normal and Chronic Copper Poisoned Sheep. Acta Vet Scand 25, 10–20 (1984).

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