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Hormonal Interrelationships in Postpartum Suckled Dairy Cows

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Three cross-bred cows calved in March and April and were followed until day 62 after parturition. Each animal was suckled by 2 calves ad libitum. All calves were removed from the cows on day 55 after parturition. Blood was collected 3 times per day from the jugular vein by venipuncture. On 4 occasions after parturition - i.e. days 7–8, 21–22, 35–36 and 49–50, the cows were bled through a jugular venous catheter every 30 min during the 24 h. The plasma samples were analyzed for the content of 15-keto-13,14-dihydro-PGF2α (main PGF2α metabolite), LH, prolactin, Cortisol and progesterone by radioimmunoassay methods. The concentration of PGF2α increased from 280 to 730 pmol/1 within the last 4 days before parturition. The highest geometric mean was 3106 pmol/1 on the day of parturition. Thereafter a steady decrease of PGF2α metabolite concentration was seen until day 21 when it reached plateau at 148 pmo/1. In all cows plasma LH concentrations increased significantly (P<0.05) from about 1.6 µg/l on days 7–8 to 2.4 µg/1 on days 21–22 post partum. The frequency of LH pulses showed no tendency to increase as the postpartum period progressed and averaged 6.5 pulses/24 h. Mean plasma LH concentrations increased from 2.1 µg/l 2 days before weaning to 3.2 µg/l 2 days after weaning (P<0.05). LH peaks occurred less frequently in association with prolactin and Cortisol peaks than in their absence. A partial positive correlation between PGF2α metabolite and Cortisol (r = 0.30) was found on days 7–8 post partum. Correlation between prolactin and Cortisol on days 7–8 and 21–22 post partum was also positive (r = 0.20 and r = 0.27, respectively). There was a negative correlation between LH and Cortisol on days 7–8 (r = −0.27) and days 49–50 (r = −0.21) post partum. The first and short progesterone increase observed after weaning was terminated in conjuction with PGF2α metabolite peaks.


På 3 kor som var diade av 2 kalvar studerades de perifera nivåerna av 15-keto-13,14-dihydro-PGF2α, LH, prolaktin, kortisol och progesteron från förlossningen till 7 dagar efter avvänjningen dvs 62 dagar post partum. Blodprover samlades 3 gånger per dag. Dessutom togs blodprov via permanent jugularven kateter var 30:e minut under 24 timmar dag 7–8, 21–22, 35–36 och 49–50. Cervix, uterus och äggstockar undersöktes genom rektalpalpation var 7–9 dag. Ingen ko visade brunst under diperioden. Frisättningen av PGF2α post partum varade 21 dagar. LH-koncentration steg från 1,6 μg/l på dag 7–8 till 2,4 μg/l på dag 21–22 post partum. Det påvisades en signifikant positiv korrelation melian PGF2α och kortisol (dag 7–8) liksom mellan prolaktin och kortisol (dag 7–8 samt dag 21–22). Vidare noterades en signifikant negativ korrelation mellan LH och kortisol (dag 7–8 samt dag 49–50). Efter awänjningen steg progesteronproduktionen och en kort lutealfas utvecklades. Denna avslutades genom frisättning av PGF2α.


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Madej, A., Oyedipe, E.O., Edqvist, LE. et al. Hormonal Interrelationships in Postpartum Suckled Dairy Cows. Acta Vet Scand 33, 261–271 (1992).

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