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Occurrence of Infectious Fish Diseases in Fish Farms in Northern Finland

Fisksjukdomssituationen vid fiskodlingar i norra Finland.


A total of 47 fish located in 10 lake and river systems in northern Finland were examined for furunculosis, enteric redmouth diseases (ERM), viral fish diaseses and the parasite Gyrodactylus salaris. Furunculosis was found in 2 fish farms in different watercourses, ERM in 8 fish farms in 3 watercourses and viral diseases were not found at all. G. salaris was looked for only in salmon and rainbow trout and was found in both species in 3 farms belonging to 2 watercourses.


Totalt undersöktes 47 fiskodlingar från 10 vattensystem i norra Finland för furunkulos, enteric red-mouth disease (ERM), virusbetingade infektions-sjukdomar och Gyrodactylus salaris -parasit. Furunkulos fanns vid 2 odlingar i olika vattensystem, ERM vid 8 odlingar i 3 vattensystem, men virus-sjukdomar fanns inte. G. salaris undersöktes bara från lax och regnbåge och fanns hos båda arterna vid 3 odlingar i 2 vattensystem.


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Koski, K., Ek-Kommonen Neuvonen, K. Occurrence of Infectious Fish Diseases in Fish Farms in Northern Finland. Acta Vet Scand 33, 161–167 (1992).

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