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Toxicity of Halogenated Oxyquinolines in Dogs. A Clinical Study

I. A Survey of Cases

Toxiciteten av oxikinoliner hos hund. En klinisk studie

I. Kasuistik


A survey of 100 cases of oxyquinoline poisoning in dogs is presented. The disease, characterized by hyperexcitability of the CNS with convulsions as well as heart and liver injury, runs an acute course. The mortality (euthanized dogs included) was 30 %. Case-history data showed that the oxyquinoline treatment which preceded the disease was given because the dog had incidental diarrhoea. In most cases the drugs were administered for only 1 day before the dog fell ill. The median time from the last dose to onset of symptoms was 12 hrs. Old dogs were affected more often than expected and also showed higher mortality than did young dogs.


En översikt av 100 fall av oxikinolinförgiftning hos hund presenteras. Sjukdomen som har ett akut förlopp karakteriseras bl. a. av ökad retbarhet i CNS samt myokard- och leverskador. Mortaliteten (avlivade hundar inkluderade) var 30 %. Enligt anamnetiska uppgifter hade oxikinolinbehandlingen, som föregick sjukdomen, utförts p. g.a. att hunden hade tillfällig diarré. I flertalet fall hade preparatet givits endast 1 dag innan hunden insjuknade. Medianen (avseende tiden från sista dosen till symtomens uppträdande) var 12 timmar. Gamla hundar insjuknade oftare och visade högre mortalitet än de yngre hundarna.


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Lannek, B. Toxicity of Halogenated Oxyquinolines in Dogs. A Clinical Study. Acta Vet Scand 14, 723–744 (1973).

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