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Serological Investigations of Mycobacterium Avium and M. Avium-Like Bacteria Isolated from Domestic and Wild Animals

Serologiske undersøkeiser over Mycobacterium avium og Μ. aviumliknende bakterier isolert fra domestiserte og ville dyr


One hundred and two Mycobacterium avium and M. avium-like strains isolated from domestic and wild animals were submitted to serological typing by means of the agglutination method developed by Schaefer. Of the 82 porcine strains M. intracellulare serotype 8 dominated, followed in order of frequency by serotypes 1, 4, 2, 10 and 6. Of the 20 strains originating from other animals 7 were typed as either serotype 2, 3, 8 or 10. The 3 strains isolated from wild birds were all serotype 2. As a considerable number of the wild animal strains were autoagglutinable, the suitability of the agglutination test for typing such strains is discussed.


Ett hundre og to Mycobacterium avium- og Μ. avium-liknende stammer ble typet serologisk ved hjelp av agglutinasjonsmetoden utarbeidet av Schaefer. Av 82 stammer isolert fra gris dominerte M. intracellulare serotype 8 etterfulgt i frekvens av serotype 1, 4, 2, 10 og 6. Av 20 stammer isolert fra andre dyr ble 7 typet som serotype 2, 3, 8 eller 10. De 3 stammene isolert fra ville fugler tilhørte alle serotype 2. Da et betydelig antall stammer isolert fra ville dyr var autoagglutinable, er anvendeligheten av agglutinasjonsmetoden for typing av slike stammer blitt diskutert.


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This investigation was supported by grants from the Norwegian Agricultural Research Council.

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Saxegaard, F. Serological Investigations of Mycobacterium Avium and M. Avium-Like Bacteria Isolated from Domestic and Wild Animals. Acta Vet Scand 22, 153–161 (1981).

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