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Milk and Serum Progesterone Levels in Mares after Ovulation

Progesteronnivåerna i serum och mjölk hos ston efter Ovulationen


Twenty-four Finnhorse mares were examined by rectal palpation and ultrasonography every 6 h during late oestrus to determine the time of ovulation. Milk and serum samples were collected every 6 h after the detected ovulation for progesterone analysis. The progesterone rises took place within 0–54 h and 0–60 h after ovulation, in milk and serum, respectively.

Statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) in progesterone levels were observed for the first time 12–18 h and 18–24 h after ovulation, in serum and milk, respectively, as compared to progesterone levels 0–6 h after ovulation.


Tidpunkten för Ovulationen hos 24 Finska kallblodston fastställdes genom rektalpalpation och ultraljudundersökning utförda var sjätte timme under sen estrus. Under tidig diestrus insamlades mjölk och serum prover för progesteron analyser. Progesteronnivåerna steg inom 0–54 och 0–60 timmar i mjölk respektive serum.

Statistiskt signifikanta skillnader (p < 0.05) i progesteronnivåerna konstaterades 12–18 timmar och 18–24 timmar efter Ovulationen i serum respektive mjölk jämförda med progesteronnivåerna 0–6 timmar efter Ovulationen.


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Koskinen, E., Lindeberg, H., Kuntsi, H. et al. Milk and Serum Progesterone Levels in Mares after Ovulation. Acta Vet Scand 31, 441–444 (1990).

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