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Role of Feeding in the Treatment of Dogs with Pancreatic Degenerative Atrophy

Utfodringens betydelse vid behandlingen av hundar med degenerativ atrofi i bukspotskörteln


Fourteen dogs with pancreatic degenerative atrophy (PDA) were fed their original diets or a special diet for 2 periods of 4 weeks to compare the severety of clinical signs in relation to different types of diet. During the first period, the dogs were given ordinary food, and in the second period, the dogs were given only the special diet that consisted of a commercial moderate-fat, low-fiber, highly-digestible food. In addition, equal amounts of pancreatic enzymes were added into the food during both periods. The owners were given a questionnaire covering 9 typical signs of PDA. They were asked to assess the severity of signs daily for the 2 periods using a scale provided with the questionnaire.

The general well-being of the dogs was significantly (p < 0.05) better during the period when the dogs were fed a special diet. Of the individual clinical signs associated with PDA the severity of flatulence, borborygmi, volume of faeces and frequency of defecation were significantly (p < 0.05) decreased on the special diet. There were no significant differences in appetite, drinking, colour and consistency of the faeces or in coprophagy between the 2 feeding periods.

The costs of the special diet were almost double compared to the ordinary diets.


I utfodringsförsöket användes 14 hundar med degenerativ atrofi i bukspottskörteln (PDA). Försöket omfattade 2 perioder av 4 veckor vardera. Under den forstå perioden fick hundarna vanligt hundfoder, under den andra perioden fick hundarna endast en specialdiet i form av ett kommersiellt, lättsmält foder innehållande en moderat fettmängd och lite fiber. Genom hela försöket tillsattes lika mycket pancreasenzymer i fodret. Ett frågeformulär, täckande 9 typiska symptom för PDA, utdelades åt hundägarna. Dessa ombads dagligen uppskatta svårighetsgraden av Symptomen under de båda perioderna, med hjälp av en skala som bifogades frågeformuläret.

Svårighetsgraden av typiska symptom för PDA minskade signifikant (p < 0.05) med specialdieten. Av de kliniska Symptomen minskade väderavgång, borborygmi, avföringsvolym och -frekvens signifikant (p < 0.05) med specialdieten. Inga signiflkanta skillnader i aptit, vätskeintag, färg och konsistens på avfbringen och förekomst av koprofagi kunde påvisas mellan de båda utfodringsperioderna.

Specialdieten var i medeltal 90% dyrare än det vanliga hundfodret.


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Westermarck, E., Wiberg, M. & Junttila, J. Role of Feeding in the Treatment of Dogs with Pancreatic Degenerative Atrophy. Acta Vet Scand 31, 325–331 (1990).

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