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The Vitamin E Distribution in Serum, Liver, Adipose and Muscle Tissues in the Pig during Depletion and Repletion

Ε vitaminets fördelning i olika vävnader hos gris under en period av utamning respektive tillskott


This study was designed to examine the storage capacity for vitamin E in liver, adipose tissue and skeletal muscle of growing pigs during a period of supplementation and of depletion. Therefore, biopsy specimens of these tissues and samples of serum were frequently taken from 7 pigs throughout the experimental period.

After a 7-week period on a diet highly supplemented with vitamin E (405 mg/kg), a significant increase (p < 0.001) in the concentration of this vitamin was observed in all tissues sampled. The highest level (102.9±26.2 mg/kg) was observed in the liver. After 2 days of depletion the concentration of vitamin E in the liver had fallen by 80%, whereas the concentration in the fat and muscle remained unchanged during 1 week of depletion.

The serum vitamin E value rose significantly (p < 0.001) after 1 week on the supplemented diet and then remained at about 7 mg/1 throughout the supplementation period and decreased (p < 0.001) after 2 days on a nonsupplemented diet. Generally, the serum vitamin E levels among growing pigs are between 2 and 3 mg/1. The results show that the serum and liver values were correlated when the serum level was within this range. Moreover, it is clearly demonstrated that the concentrations of vitamin E in serum and liver reflect the immediate nutritional status of the animal, whereas the vitamin concentrations in adipose and skeletal muscle tissue reflect its long-term nutritional history.


Denna studie syftar tili att bestämma lagringskapaciteten för vitamin Ε i lever, fettvävnad och skelettmu-skulatur hos växande grisar. Djuren erhöh en basal diet med eller utan E-vitamintillskott (405 mg/kg foder). Under försöksperioden togs frekventa vävnads- och serumprover. E-vitamininnehållet i dessa bestämdes med hjalp av HPLC. Det konstateras att levern har störst formåga at inlagra vitamin E. Ett samband melian E-vitaminkoncentrationen i lever och serum föreligger då E-vitaminhalten i serum är melian 1-3 mg/l. Leverkoncentrationen kan således beräknas utifrån analyserade serumvärden.


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Jensen, M., Lindholm, A. & Hakkarainen, J. The Vitamin E Distribution in Serum, Liver, Adipose and Muscle Tissues in the Pig during Depletion and Repletion. Acta Vet Scand 31, 129–136 (1990).

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