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Persistent Activity of a Single Late-Season Treatment with Ivermectin against Gastrointestinal Trichostrongyles and Lungworm in Young Calves

Persisterende effekt af en enkelt sensommer behandling med ivermectin mod gastrointestinale trichostrongylider og lungeorm i unge kalve


The present study was designed to assess the persistent efficacy of ivermectin against gastrointestinal trichostrongyles and lungworm (Dictyocaulus viviparus) when given late in the season to young calves naturally exposed to infection on permanent pasture. The results suggest that ivermectin prevents the re-establishment of Ostertagia spp. for 2 to 3 weeks, but Cooperia spp. for only 1 to 2 weeks. Re-establishment of lungworm is prevented for a period of at least 3 weeks. The results are discussed in the light of recent studies on the ivermectin effects on experimental or early-season natural infections.


Nærværende undersøgelse var tilrettelagt for at vurdere effekten af ivermectin over for gastrointestinale trichostrongylider og over for lungeorm (Dictyocaulus viviparus). Ivermectin blev givet som enkeltbehandling sidst i græsningssæsonen til kalve, som opholdt sig på naturligt inficeret, permanent græsgang. Resultaterne syntes at vise, at ivermectin hindrede etablering af Ostertagia spp. i 2–3 uger, men Cooperia spp. i kun 1–2 uger. Behandlingen syntes at forhindre etablering af lungeorm i en periode på mindst 3 uger. Resultaterne sammenholdes med nyere undersøgelser over ivermectin’s effekt over for eksperimentelle infektioner eller naturlige infektioner tidligt i græsningssæsonen.


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Steffan, P., Nansen, P. Persistent Activity of a Single Late-Season Treatment with Ivermectin against Gastrointestinal Trichostrongyles and Lungworm in Young Calves. Acta Vet Scand 31, 237–242 (1990).

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