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Hepatic Lipofuscinosis in Healthy Norwegian Sheep

Lipofuscinavleiring i leveren hos normal-slaktede sauer i Norge.


Sheep livers with environmental pigmentation were examined histochemically and by electron microscopy. The pigment granules in hepatocytes and Kupffer cells had abundant lipid droplets; they were interpreted as being a variant of lipofuscins. It is concluded that the presently used descriptive term for the condition, “perilobular liver melanosis” should be replaced by the expression “liver lipofuscinosis”.


Sauelevre med den pigmenteringsanomalien som inntil nå er kalt perilobulær levermelanose ble undersøkt histokjemisk og ved elektronmikroskopi. Pigmentgranula i hepatocyttene og i Kupffercellene ble funnet å være av lipofuscintypen, mens melanin-granula eller melanosomer ikke ble påvist. Det blir derfor konkludert med at tilstanden bør kalles leverlipofuscinose.


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Nordstoga, K. Hepatic Lipofuscinosis in Healthy Norwegian Sheep. Acta Vet Scand 31, 73–78 (1990).

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