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The \(P_{24}^{37}\) Modification of The Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis Virus-Serum Neutralization Test

\(P_{24}^{37}\)-modifikationen af neutralisationstesten med infektiøst bovint rhinotracheitisvirus.


The applicability of a modified infectious bovine rhino-tracheitis constant-virus/varying-serum neutralization test, with preincubation of virus-serum mixtures at 37°C for 24 hrs. (\(P_{24}^{37}\) test) as against 1 hr. in the conventional (\(P_{1}^{37}\)) test, was elucidated by examination of about 5000 bovine sera. The sensitivity of the test was studied mainly in parallel \({{P_{24}^{37}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{P_{24}^{37}} {P_1^{37}}}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {P_1^{37}}}\) testings of sera from animals in two infected herds and of sera taken from a bullock during one month following nasal infection. In agreement with conclusions in previous papers, the \(P_{1}^{37}\) test appeared to be inadequately sensitive, and the \(P_{24}^{37}\) test regularly gave titers that were about 4 in logs higher than the \(P_{1}^{37}\) titers, which means that the \(P_{24}^{37}\) test is about 16 times as sensitive as the conventional test. From examinations of 4902 sera from four different groups of cattle it was concluded that with the technique described and with the use of undiluted serum, the specificity of the \(P_{24}^{37}\) test would be as good as 0.999. The observed high sensitivity and specificity of the \(P_{24}^{37}\) test give high diagnostic values of both negative and positive reactions.


Anvendeligheden af en konstant-virus/varierende-serum-neutrali-sationstest modificeret ved præinkubering af virus-serum-blandingerne ved 37°C i 24 timer (\(P_{24}^{37}\)-test) i stedet for 1 time som ved den konventionelle (\(P_{1}^{37}\)) test er belyst ved undersøgelse af ca. 5000 kvægsera. \(P_{1}^{37}\)-testen viste sig i overensstemmelse med tidligere publicerede resultater at være utilstrækkelig følsom, og \(P_{24}^{37}\)-testen gav titre som var 4 log2-enheder højere end \(P_{1}^{37}\)-testens titre. På grundlag af under-søgelser af 4902 sera fra 4 forskellige grupper af kvæg konkluderedes det, at specificiteten af \(P_{24}^{37}\)-testen ved anvendelse af ufortyndet serum var omkring 0,999. De observerede høje værdier for sensitiviteten og specificiteten af \(P_{24}^{37}\)-testen giver særdeles høje diagnostiske værdier for bøde negative og positive testresultater.


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Bitsch, V. The \(P_{24}^{37}\) Modification of The Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis Virus-Serum Neutralization Test. Acta Vet Scand 19, 497–505 (1978).

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