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Hypervitaminose D in Sheep. An Experimental Study

Vitamin D3 hypervitaminose hos får. En eksperimentel undersøgelse


A comparison of the picture of vitamin D intoxication in sheep caused by injection of vitamin D3 and the picture caused by injection of lα-OH-cholecalciferol was made. The clinical symptoms were moderate. Unwillingness to move and sensitivity to palpation of the flexor tendons of the forelegs were found during the last week of life. The clinical-chemical picture was characterized by a pronounced increase in inorg. P values and a less pronounced increase in Ga values. In the vitamin De-treated animals these increases appeared later and were less pronounced.

At necropsy, vascular calcifications were found (Table 3). No macroscopical or histological differences between the effect of vitamin D3 and of lα-OH-cholecalciferol were demonstrated.


Der er foretaget en sammenligning mellem billedet af vitamin D-forgiftning forårsaget af injektion med vitamin D3 og det billede, som fremkaldes ved injektion af 1α-OH-D3.

De kliniske symptomer var i begge tilfælde meget moderate. Uvillighed til bevægelse og ømhed ved palpering af forbenenes bøjesener blev påvist i sidste leveuge. Klinisk-kemisk var billedet karakteriseret af en udtalt stigning i værdierne for uorg, P og en mindre udtalt stigning i serum Ca værdierne. Hos de vitamin D3 behandlede får indtraf stigningerne senere og var mindre udtalte.

Ved obduktionen påvistes subintimale forkalkninger i hjertet og de store karstammer (tabel 3). Der kunne ikke påvises makroskopiske eller histologiske forskelle imellem effekten af vitamin D3 og 1α-OH-D3.


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We are indebted to Professor, Dr. G. Dirksen and Dr. K. Heinritzi for valuable help and advice in planning this study, and to Miss Floritz and Miss Trautner for careful analytical work.

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Simesen, M.G., Hänichen, T. & Dämmrich, K. Hypervitaminose D in Sheep. An Experimental Study. Acta Vet Scand 19, 588–600 (1978).

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