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Identification of Aerococcus Viridans by Means of Co-Agglutination


Gaffkemia, which has recently been reviewed by Stewart & Rabin (1970) and by Stewart (1975), is a fatal bacterial disease of the American and European lobster (Homarus americanus and Homarus vulgaris) (Snieszko & Taylor 1947). The causal agent, first classified as Gaffkya homari (Hitchner & Snieszko 1947), is now classified as Aerococcus viridans (Williams et aL 1953, Buchanan & Gibbons 1974).


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Saxegaard, F., Hâstein, T. Identification of Aerococcus Viridans by Means of Co-Agglutination. Acta Vet Scand 19, 604–606 (1978).

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