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Classification and Identification of Ovine and Caprine Mycoplasmas

Klassifikation og identifikation af ovine og caprine mykoplasmer


The purpose of this investigation was to give a survey of the classification of ovine/caprine mycoplasmas as a basis for the identification of strains isolated from sheep and goats. A total of 13 strains representing 13 species and/or serogroups were biochemically examined, and serological cross-titrations were performed using metabolism inhibition, growth inhibition and immunofluorescence. Serogroup 6 (Al-Aubaidi) was found to be identical with Mycoplasma capricolum.

The results of identification of 57 isolates, sent to the reference centre from different countries, are given.

On the basis of the above investigations and a comparison of some of the classification systems described in the literature, it is concluded that the following species have been isolated from goats and/or sheep: M. agalactiae, M. arginini, M. bovis, M. capricolum, M. conjunctivae, M. mycoides subsp. capri, M. mycoides subsp. mycoides, M. ovipneumoniae, M. putrefaciens, Acholeplasma granularum, A. laidlawii and A. oculi. In addition, both Ureaplasmas and strains representing 6 serogroups (groups 5, 7, 10 and 11 of Al-Aubaidi and groups 17 and 18 of Cottew) have been isolated. These serogroups ought to be finally species-classified as soon as possible. kw|Keywords|k]ovine/caprine mycoplasmas; k]classification; k]identification


Formålet med dette arbejde er at give en oversigt over klassifikationen af ovine/caprine mykoplasmer som grundlag for identifikation af stammer isoleret fra får og geder. Tretten stammer, repraesente-rende 13 arter og/eller serogrupper blev biokemisk undersøgt, og der foretoges serologisk krydstitrering under anvendelse af metabolic inhibition, vaeksthaemning og immunofluorescens. Serogruppe 6 (Al-Aubaidi) fandtes at vaere identisk med Mycoplasma capricolum.

Der redegøres for identifikation af 57 isolater, indsendt til refe-rencecentret fra forskellige lande. Identifikationen baseredes på immunofluorescens og vaeksthaemning.

På grundlag af resultaterne af ovennaevnte undersøgelser samt en gennemgang og sammenligning af nogle af de i litteraturen omtalte klassifikationsstudier konkluderes, at følgende arter er dyrket fra geder og/eller får: M. agalactiae, M. arginini, M. bovis, M. capricolum, M. conjunctivae, M. mycoides subsp. capri, M. mycoides subsp. mycoides, M. ovipneumoniae, M. putrefaciens, Acholeplasma granularum, A. laidlawii og A. oculi. Ydermere kan ureaplasmer forefindes samt stammer repraesenterende 6 serogrupper (Al-Aubaidi’s gruppe 5, 7, 10 og 11 samt Cottew’s gruppe 17 og 18). Disse serogrupper bør snarest undersøges med henblik på endelig species-klassifikation.


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Ernø, H., Al-Aubaidi, J., Ojo, M. et al. Classification and Identification of Ovine and Caprine Mycoplasmas. Acta Vet Scand 19, 392–406 (1978).

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