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The Mobilization of Copper in Sheep by Chelating Agents

Mobilisering av kobber hos sau ved bruk av kelatorer


D-penicillamine and 2,3-dimercapto-propane-l-sulphonate (DMPS) were administered orally and disodium-calcium-ethylene-diamine-tetraacetate (Ca-EDTA) subcutaneously into copper loaded sheep. The results showed that D-penicillamine has a copper mobilizing effect, while DMPS and Ca-EDTA do not seem to have this effect to any significant degree. Penicillamine, 52 mg/kg of body weight daily for 6 days, increased the urinary excretion of copper by a factor of 10 to 20. The same dosage (on weight basis) of DMPS increased the excretion of copper in urine by 2 fold. Following Ca-EDTA treatment no increase in urinary excretion of copper was observed. Penicillamine could be used in prophylactic treatment of copper toxicosis in sheep, but it is still too expensive for practical use.


D-penicillamin og 2,3-dimercapto-propan-1-sulfonat (DMPS) ble gitt oralt og dinatrium-kalsium-etylendiamin-tetraacetat (Ca-EDTA) subcutant til kobberbelastede sauer. Resultatene viser at D-penicillamin har kobbermobiliserende effekt ved doser som tilsvarer dosering anbefalt til menneske. DMPS og Ca-EDTA synes ikke å ha denne effekten i noen saerlig grad. 52 mg penicillamin/kg kroppsvekt daglig i 6 dager økte urinutskillelsen av kobber med en faktor på 10–20. Den samme dosering (på vektbasis) av DMPS økte utskillelsen av kobber i urin til det dobbelte. Etter Ca-EDTA behandling ble det ikke registrert noen økning av utskillelsen av kobber i urinen.

Penicillamin kunne derfor tenkes brukt i den profylaktiske behandling av kobber-toksikose hos sau, men sammenlignet med tilfør-sel av molybden og sulfat blir det for dyrt under praktiske forhold.


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The determinations of copper and molybdenum concentrations in hay and water by activation analysis were carried out at Institutt for Atomenergi, Isotope Laboratories, Kjeller, Norway.

Transaminase and haematological analyses were performed at the Department of Internal Medicine I, Veterinary College of Norway, Oslo.

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Søli, N.E., Frøslie, A. & Aaseth, J. The Mobilization of Copper in Sheep by Chelating Agents. Acta Vet Scand 19, 422–429 (1978).

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