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Transport of Radiopaque Fluid into the Uterus After Vaginal Deposition in the Oestrous Bitch


A limited number of studies have been published concerning intrauterine infusions in the bitch, presumably because it is difficult to pass a catheter into the canine cervix. Cobb (1959) designed an apparatus for hysterosalpingography with which he reported fairly easy catheterization of the cervical canal in the anaesthetized bitch. Recent advances made in the field of deepfreezing of dog semen have emphasized the need for a simple method for intrauterine infusion in the unanaesthetized bitch. The first successful insemination with frozen dog semen was reported in 1969 by Seager. The semen was frozen in pellets and deposited vaginally. Over a six-year period 61 (39.1 %) out of 156 bitches inseminated with this method became pregnant (Seager et al. 1975). Andersen (1972), however, when inseminating dog semen frozen in French straws, reported no success after vaginal deposition of the thawed semen. Based on experience with insemination in Blue foxes Andersen (1975) developed a special catheter which he could introduce through the cervix to deposit the semen into the corpus uteri without anaesthetizing the bitches. With this method 19 (73.1 %) out of 26 bitches became pregnant (Andersen 1977, personal communication). This method of passing the catheter through the cervix requires training and the method is impractical in nervous or obese bitches in which palpation of the abdomen is difficult or impossible. In order to fully use the advantages offered to the dog breeders by deep-freezing of dog semen, it is necessary to develop a simple method of inseminating the bitch that can be employed by practising veterinarians without previous special training. The present investigation was undertaken as an introduction to further studies of the problems related to the use of frozen dog semen.


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My thanks are due to Nils Obel, professor, at the Department of Surgery and to Hakan Kasström, professor, at the Department of Clinical Radiology for kind help and technical assistance.

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Linde, C. Transport of Radiopaque Fluid into the Uterus After Vaginal Deposition in the Oestrous Bitch. Acta Vet Scand 19, 463–465 (1978).

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