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Utilisation of Glucose by Mycoplasma Suipneumoniae and Mycoplasma Flocculare

Undersøgelse af Mycoplasma suipneumoniae’s og Mycoplasma floccu- lare’s evne til at forgære glukose


The utilisation of glucose by Mycoplasma suipneumoniae and Mycoplasma flocculare was examined by chemical determination of glucose disappearance during growth, and by examination for hexokinase activity in cell preparations. Both species degraded glucose during growth and possessed hexokinase activity as evidence of the presence of a glycolytic pathway. The glucose utilisation capacity was found to be greater for M. flocculare than for M. suipneumoniae.


Mycoplasma suipneumoniae’s og Mycoplasma flocculare’s evne til at forgære glukose blev undersøgt ved kemisk bestemmelse af glukose- forbruget under vækst og ved undersøgelse for hexokinaseaktivitet i cellepræparater. Det fandtes, at begge arter forgærede glukose under væksten, ligesom begge arter var i besiddelse af hexokinaseaktivitet som tegn på udøvelse af glykolytisk metabolisme. Der fandtes større glukoseforgæringsaktivitet for Μ. flocculare end for Μ. suipneumoniae.


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Jensen, P.T., Wolstrup, C. & Friis, N.F. Utilisation of Glucose by Mycoplasma Suipneumoniae and Mycoplasma Flocculare. Acta Vet Scand 19, 179–183 (1978).

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