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Feeding-Induced Hypocalcaemia

Utfodringsbetingad hypokalcemi: Studier av det gastro-intestinala kalciumupptaget hos får

Studies on the Uptake of 47Ca from the Gastrointestinal Tract of Sheep


It was previously shown that when concentrate was added to the diet of hay-fed sheep, there was a profound decrease of serum calcium. In the present study it was shown that 0.4 kg/day of concentrate was necessary to induce this drop in serum calcium. The same changes occurred in heifers fed 3 kg concentrate per day. Isotope studies showed that the fall in serum calcium was probably not caused by a reduced gastro-intestinal calcium uptake.


Når kraftfoder börjar utfodras till får som tidigare stått på enbart höutfodring, inträder ibland en drastisk sånkning av serumkalcium- koncentrationen. 0.4 kg/djur och dag visades vara den minsta mängd som ger upphov till en signifikant sänkning av serumkalcium. Hos kvigor kunde en signifikant sänkning av serumkalcium induceras med en giva på 3 kg/dag. Radionuklidstudier visade att orsaken till hypo- kalcemien sannolikt inte var ett reducerat gastrointestinalt upptag av kalcium.


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Jones, B., Luthman, J. Feeding-Induced Hypocalcaemia. Acta Vet Scand 19, 204–214 (1978).

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