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Coagulase-Negative, Novobiocin-Resistant Staphylococci on the Skin of Animals and Man, on Meat and in Milk

Koagulasnegativa, novobiocinresistenta stafylokocker på huden hos djur och människa samt i kött och mjölk


The occurrence of coagulase-negative, novobiocin-resistant staphylococci, i.e. Staphylococcus cohnii, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Staphylococcus sciuri and Staphylococcus xylosus, on the skin of animals and man has been studied. On cultures from cats, cows, dogs, guinea pigs, mice, rabbits and sheep studied, such organisms were predominant among the coagulase-negative staphylococci. From the skin of the hands of 21 of 38 persons whose professions brought them into contact with animals, e.g. inséminât ors, slaughterhouse workers and veterinarians, coagulase-negative, novobiocin-resistant staphylococci were isolated. This finding contrasted with that regarding 50 persons lacking such contacts, of whom only 1 harboured such bacteria. S. saprophyticus was isolated only from those slaughterers presenting with wounds on their hands. Coagulase-negative, novobiocin-resistant staphylococci were also isolated from every second specimen collected from the surface of meat at a slaughterhouse. No difference in the culture results could be demonstrated from specimens collected before and after cutting-up of the carcasses. Of 26 strains of coagulase-negative, DNase-negative staphylococci isolated from milk with pathological CMT, all but 5 were novobiocin-resistant. Fifteen were classified as S. xylosus, 4 as S. sciuri and 1 as S. cohnii. Of another 15 DNase-positive strains, 3 were resistant to novobiocin. Finally, clinical infections with coagulase-negative, novobiocin-resistant staphylococci in man, e.g. urinary tract infections caused by S. saprophyticus, are considered in relation to possible contagious reservoirs and modes of spread.


Förekomst av koagulasnegativa, novobiocinresistenta stafylokocker, d.v.s. Staphylococcus cohnii, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Staphylococcus sciuri och Staphylococcus xylosus, på huden hos djur och människa har studerats. I odlingar frän katt, ko, hund, marsvin, mus och kanin var dessa organismer vanligt förekommande. Från huden på händerna hos 21 av 38 personer med yrken som medför kontakt med djur, såsom seminatörer, slakteripersonal och veterinärer, isolerades koagulasnegativa, novobiocinresistenta stafylokocker.

Αν 5ø personer som saknade sådan djurkontakt, förekom däremot så- dana bakterier hos endast en person. Koagulasnegativa, novobiocin- resistenta stafylokocker künde isoleras från vartannat prov taget från ytan av kött på ett slakteri. Ingen skillnad künde påvisas i odlings- resultat från köttprov tagna före och efter styckning. Av 26 koagulasnegativa, DNas-negativa stafylokockstammar isolerade från mjölk med patologiskt CMT-värde var 21 novobiocinresistenta. Femton klassifi- cerades som S. xylosus, fyra som S. sciuri och en som S. cohnii. Av 15 koagulasnegativa, DNas-positiva stammar från mjölkprov var tre resistenta mot novobiocin.


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Mårdh, PA., Hovelius, B., Hoüelius, K. et al. Coagulase-Negative, Novobiocin-Resistant Staphylococci on the Skin of Animals and Man, on Meat and in Milk. Acta Vet Scand 19, 243–253 (1978).

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