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Absorption from Water as an Alternative Method for the Administration of Sulphonamides to Rainbow Trout, Salmo Gairdneri*

Absorpsjon fra vannet som alternativ administrasjonsmåte for sulfonamider til regnbueørret, Salmo gairdneri. Betydningen av sulfonamidenes pKa-verdi og vannets pH og saltinnhold

The Significance of the pKa Value of the Sulphonamides and the pH and Salt Content of the Water


The effect of variations in pH and salt concentration on the absorption by rainbow trout of sulphonamides from water was investigated. Two trials were carried out: 1) Absorption from fresh water of sulphanilamide (pKa 10.4) and sulphadimidine (pKa 7.4) at pH 4, 6, 8 and 10 over a period of 96 hrs., and 2) Absorption from fresh water and sea water (salinity approx. 31 ‰) of the same two sulphonamides at pH 6 and 8 over a period of 24 hrs. The degree of acetylation of the two sulphonamides in rainbow trout was investigated.


Effekten av varierende pH og saltkonsentrasjon på regnbueørretens absorpsjon av sulfonamider fra vann ble undersøkt. Det ble foretatt to forsøk: 1) Absorpsjon fra ferskvann av sulfanilamid (pKa 10,4) og sulfadimidin (pKa 7,4) ved pH 4, 6, 8 og 10 over 96 timer, og 2) Absorpsjon fra ferskvann og sjøvann (salinitet ca 31 %) av de samme to sulfonamider ved pH 6 og 8 over 24 timer. Acetyleringsgraden av de to sulfonamidene hos regnbueørret ble undersøkt.


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The experiments were carried out at the Fishery Research Station, Sunndalsøra. We thank the staff there for assistance during the investigation. We are especially grateful to laboratory technician Thorbjørn Myrvold, of the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Veterinary College of Norway. Mr. Myrvold participated in the practical work involved and carried out all the analyses.

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Bergsjø, T., Bergsjø, T.H. Absorption from Water as an Alternative Method for the Administration of Sulphonamides to Rainbow Trout, Salmo Gairdneri*. Acta Vet Scand 19, 102–109 (1978).

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