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Thrombocytopenic Purpura in Baby Pigs Clinical Studies


A report is given about spontaneous as well as experimental cases of thrombocytopenia in baby pigs. A total of 14 litters from 6 sows were studied.

The piglets were normal at birth, but got thrombocytopenia after sucking. After 2—3 days with low platelet counts which was sometimes accompanied by purpura the platelet number usually increased during the next few days and might reach a normal level at about 1 week of age. During the following week there was usually a second decrease which might result in purpura and death within a few days, but also might pass without clinical symptoms. Gases were observed where the piglets had thrombocytopenia, even with purpura the first day of life, but then had normal platelet counts all along after the first week.

In 1 experimental case, the piglets had a severe thrombocytopenia and purpura that lasted all during the first 3 weeks.

Differences were seen between litters of the same sow when this was sired by different boars.

In some cases of thrombocytopenia, a leucopenia was observed.


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I am very grateful to Professor Johs. L. Flatla for his encouragement and helpful advice, and for the facilities provided by him; and to Dr. Mikael Brænd for helpful criticism and advice.

I also wish to thank Mr. Lars Bjørsrud for his kind assistance by collecting the blood samples.

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Lie, H. Thrombocytopenic Purpura in Baby Pigs Clinical Studies. Acta Vet Scand 9, 285–301 (1968).

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