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Preparation of Antigen for the Counterimmunoelectrophoretic Test for Plasmacytosis in Mink*


Counterimmunoelectrophoresis as a test method for making the diagnosis of plasmacytosis in mink demands the specific virus antigen. The method for preparation of the antigen according to Cho & Ingram (1972 a, b) with minor modifications is described in details, and results obtained at 62 antigen preparations are presented. In addition an ultrafiltration method is outlined which may be useful as a replacement for ultracentrifugation procedures used in the technique described by Cho & Ingram (1974).


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M. Hansen, Danish Fur Breeders’ Association, is gratefully acknowledged for having provided the infected material and the mink blood samples. The electron micrograph was kindly prepared by B. Bloch, Dept. of Veterinary Virology and Immunology, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen. Excellent technical assistance was given by Mrs. Annie Jørgensen and Mrs. Inge Szabo.

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Brummerstedt, E. Preparation of Antigen for the Counterimmunoelectrophoretic Test for Plasmacytosis in Mink*. Acta Vet Scand 17, 395–402 (1976).

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