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Vaccination of Pigs Against Hog Cholera (Classical Swine Fever) With a Detergent Split Vaccine


Four pigs were inoculated subcutaneously with a detergent (triton X 100) split hog cholera virus in Freund’s incomplete adjuvant. Four other pigs were in the same way inoculated with a detergent split bovine viral diarrhoea virus, also in Freund’s incomplete adjuvant. In the experiment were used 3 control pigs. The vaccinations were repeated after 3 weeks. All pigs were challenged with highly virulent hog cholera virus (Tübingen) 12 weeks after primary inoculations. Signs of hog cholera were only noted in the control pigs.

This introductory experiment was succeeded by a larger experiment with subcutaneous inoculations of: 10 pigs with detergent split hog cholera virus in Freund’s incomplete adjuvant, 10 pigs with detergent split hog cholera virus in a saponin (Quil A) solution, 10 pigs with detergent split bovine viral diarrhoea virus in Freund’s incomplete adjuvant, 10 pigs with detergent split bovine viral diarrhoea virus in the Quil A solution plus 5 control pigs. The vaccinations were repeated after 3 weeks, and finally all pigs were challenged 9 weeks later with the highly virulent hog cholera virus strain.

With the exception of 1 animal which died accidentally, all animals survived in the groups inoculated with the Quil A vaccines and in the group inoculated with the detergent split hog cholera virus/oil adjuvant vaccine. In the group inoculated with the detergent split bovine viral diarrhoea virus/oil adjuvant vaccine, some of the pigs died of hog cholera.


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Dalsgaard, K., Overby, E. Vaccination of Pigs Against Hog Cholera (Classical Swine Fever) With a Detergent Split Vaccine. Acta Vet Scand 17, 465–474 (1976).

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