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The Pathology of Vinyl Chloride Exposed Mice


Outbred albino laboratory mice were exposed to 50 p.p.m. and 500 p.p.m. vinyl chloride by inhalation 6 hrs./day, 5 days/week during 52 and 26 weeks, respectively. Pathologic examination showed the presence of histologically benign alveologenic lung adenomas, haem-angiosarcomas in fat tissue as well as a few benign and malignant tumours at various sites. Only one liver haemangiosarcoma was noted. All animals exposed to 500 p.p.m. developed tumours; 71 % of the animals given 50 p.p.m. were tumour bearing. The frequency of all tumours, number of tumour foci and size of foci in both groups suggest a dose-dependent carcinogenic effect of vinyl chloride. Haemocoelia due to blood vessel rupture was a common cause of death. Telangiectasis of the liver was also observed in a few animals. The role of fat tissue as well as blood vessel involvement in the pathology of vinyl chloride is discussed.


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The authors are indebted to Alna Ekner, Annika Eriksson, Ella Jensen, Ulla Hammarström and Gun Lindkvist for technical assistance and to Inge Ericsson for preparing photographs.

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Holmberg, B., Kronevi, T. & Winell, M. The Pathology of Vinyl Chloride Exposed Mice. Acta Vet Scand 17, 328–342 (1976).

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