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Serological Diagnosis of Classical Swine Fever

Serologisk diagnose af klassisk svinepest

A Comparison of a Modified Direct Complement Fixation Test with an Immunofluorescence Plaque Neutralization Test in the Diagnosis of Experimental Subclinical Infection


Antibody levels in post-infection sera from a pig inoculated with a low virulent strain of classical swine fever virus (Hannover 62) and in sera from two pigs inoculated with another low virulent strain (Spielbach 66) and from an in-contact pig were assayed by complement fixation and immunofluorescence using classical swine fever virus (ALD strain) and bovine virus diarrhoea virus (UG 59 strain) as antigens. The complement fixation test used was modified by addition of a preparation of porcine Glq to the complement and by mercaptoethanol treatment of the immune serum before use. The mercaptoethanol treatment of the immune serum resulted in complete elimination of a haemolytic prozone often seen with porcine immune sera.

In the sera from the inoculated animals complement-fixing antibodies appeared earlier than neutralizing antibodies. A few weeks after inoculation there was a correlation between the presence of complement-fixing and neutralizing antibodies.

During the entire observation period of 13 weeks it was not possible to demonstrate complement-fixing or neutralizing antibodies in serum from a pig exposed to infection by contact with the two pigs inoculated with the Spièlbach 66 strain of classical swine fever virus.


Antistofindholdet i serum fra grise podet én gang med lavvirulente stammer af klassisk svinepestvirus blev målt ved komplement-binding og immunofluorescens med svinepestvirus (ALD stammen) og bovin virusdiarrhoea-virus (UG 59 stammen) som testantigener. To grise blev podet med Hannover 62 virusstammen og 2 grise blev podet med Spielbach 66 stammen, mens 1 gris blev anvendt som kontrolog kontaktdyr. Komplementbindingstesten var modificeret ved tilsætning af en præparation af porcint G1q til complementet og ved mercaptoethanolbehandling af immunserum før anvendelsen. Denne mercaptoethanolbehandling resulterede i en fuldstændig elimination af en hæmolytisk prozone, som ofte ses med porcine immunsera.

I serum fra de podede dyr kunne komplementbindende antistoffer påvises tidligere end neutraliserende antistoffer. Få uger efter podningen var der overensstemmlse mellem tilstedeværelsen af komplementbindende og neutraliserende antistoffer.

I hele observationsperioden på 13 uger var det ikke muligt at påvise komplementbindende eller neutraliserende antistof i serum fra den gris, som var udsat for smitte ved kontakt med de 2 dyr, der var podet med Spielbach 66 virusstammen.


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The authors wish to thank Dr. G. Korn, Bundesforschungsanstalt für Viruskrankheiten der Tiere, Tübingen, for kindly providing the two strains of low virulent CSF virus.

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Eskildsen, M., Overby, E. Serological Diagnosis of Classical Swine Fever. Acta Vet Scand 17, 131–141 (1976).

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