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LDH and LDH Isoenzymes of Synovial Fluid in the Horse

LDH och LDH-isoenzymer i hästsynovia


LDH is an intracellular enzyme, which when cells degenerate is released to the extracellular spaces and body fluids. Cells and organs in the mammalian body differ from each other with respect to their LDH isoenzyme patterns. These circumstances have led to the use of LDH isoenzyme determinations in laboratory diagnostic work. In the present investigation total LDH activity and LDH isoenzyme distribution in equine synovial fluid from healthy joints, joints with serous arthritis, osteochondrosis dissecans and arthrosis, were determined. The fluids from the diseased joints differed from normal synovial fluid with respect to total LDH activity, and the different joint diseases each seemed to give rise to a characteristic isoenzyme pattern. In order to examine possible sources of the increased LDH activity and altered isoenzyme patterns, blood plasma, red and white blood cells, synovial membrane and articular cartilage were also studied. It was found that LDH4 and LDH5 were present in high amounts in articular cartilage, and an increase in these isoenzymes was the most characteristic feature in synovial fluid from joints with arthrosis. The results were discussed in view of possible diagnostic value of isoenzyme determinations on synovial fluid.


I föreliggande artikel redovisas undersökningar av total LDH-aktivitet och LDHnisoenzym-fördelning i hästsynovia från friska leder, leder med serös artrit, osteochondrosis dissecans och artros. Synovia från de sjuka lederna skilde sig från normal synovia genom förhöjd total LDH-aktivitet, och de olika ledsjukdomarna tycktes var och en karaktäriseras av ett speciellt isoenzym-mönster. För att undersöka möjliga källor till de ökade LDH-aktiviterna och de ändrade isoenzymmönstren, undersöktes också blodplasma, röda och vita blodkroppar, synovialmembran och ledbrosk. LDH4 och LDH5 befanns förekomma i höga halter i ledbrosk, och ökningar i halterna av dessa båda isoenzymer var den mest iögonenfallande förändringen i synovia från artrosleder.


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Rejnö, S. LDH and LDH Isoenzymes of Synovial Fluid in the Horse. Acta Vet Scand 17, 178–189 (1976).

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