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Mycoplasma Ovipneumoniae Demonstrated in Icelandic Sheep


For at least thirty years chronic pneumonia of suckling lambs has occurred in many sheep flocks in the north-eastern part of Iceland, Thingeyjarsýsla. Owing to the retarded growth rate of affected lambs, the farmers named it “kregda” which means “the poor eater”. A similar syndrome has also been observed in some areas of South Iceland (Gíslason 1963).


  • Friis, N. F.: Some recommendations concerning primary isolation of Mycoplasma suipneumoniae and Mycoplasma flocculare. Nord. Vet.-Med. 1975, 27, 337–339.

  • Gislason, G.: Lambasjùkdómar. (Lamb diseases). Freyr 1963, 59, 217–219.

  • Sullivan, N. D., T. D. St. George & N. Horsfall: A proliferative interstitial pneumonia of sheep associated with mycoplasma infection: 1. Natural history of the disease in a flock. Aust. vet. J. 1973, 49, 57–62.

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The skilful assistance of Roger E. Lutley, B.Sc, is gratefully acknowledged.

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Friis, N.F., Pálsson, P.A. & Pétursson, G. Mycoplasma Ovipneumoniae Demonstrated in Icelandic Sheep. Acta Vet Scand 17, 255–257 (1976).

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