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Isolation of Yersinia Enterocolitica from a Dog with Chronic Enteritis

A Case Report


During recent years, Yersinia enterocolitica has been isolated from humans and various animal species in connection with intestinal disorders, such as acute ileitis and appendicitis. Cases of septicaemia, polyarthritis and erythema nodosum have also been described (Mollaret & Destombes 1964, Nilehn 1969, Winblad 1969, Lassen 1972, Langford 1972). Y. enterocolitica has been isolated most frequently from chinchillas and hares, but sporadic isolations from deer, cow, horse, rabbit, goat and dog have been reported (Langford, Krogstad et al. 1972). In Norway, an outbreak of the disease in a goat herd is the only described case of yersiniosis among animal species (Krogstad et al.). A case of chronic enteritis in a dog from which Y. enterocolitica was isolated is presented in the following.


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  • Langford, E. V.: Yersinia enterocolitica isolated from animals in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia. Canad. vet. J. 1972, 13, 109–113.

  • Lassen, J.: Yersinia enterocolitica — sykdom og diagnostikk. (Yersinia enterocolitica — disease and diagnosis). T. norske Lægeforen. 1972, 92, 567–569.

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Farstad, L., Landsverk, T. & Lassen, J. Isolation of Yersinia Enterocolitica from a Dog with Chronic Enteritis. Acta Vet Scand 17, 261–263 (1976).

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