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Regional Ileitis in Pigs Isolation of Campylobacter from Affected Ileal Mucosa


In the last few years special interest has been focused on enteric diseases localized to the lower alimentary tract, especially the ileum of weaned pigs. An increasing frequency of disorders of unknown aetiology described as regional ileitis (Emsbo 1951), necrotic enteritis (Jubb & Kennedy 1970), and intestinal adenomatosis (Rowland et al. 1973) has been reported. The changes include thickening of the ileal mucosa with hypertrophy of the muscular wall. The normal structure of villi is replaced by a proliferation of crypt cells. Necrosis of the mucosa and granulation-tissue proliferation in the submucosa occur in later stages. Regional ileitis in man (Crohn et al. 1932) which is described as a chronic enteric disease with granulomatous inflammatory changes localized to segments of the ileum is also attracting increasing attention in medical research (Liljefors 1972). The lesions are also found in the colon, and the presence of a transmissible agent involved in the aetiology of Crohn's disease has been discussed on the basis of animal experiments (Cave et al. 1973). The disease in pigs is accompanied by haematological changes, including decreased concentration of total serum protein, albumin, alkaline phosphatase, and zinc (Martinsson et al. 1974, 1976).


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Gunnarsson, A., Hurvell, B., Jönsson, L. et al. Regional Ileitis in Pigs Isolation of Campylobacter from Affected Ileal Mucosa. Acta Vet Scand 17, 267–269 (1976).

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