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Isolation of Neisseria Ovis and a Colesiota Conjunctivae-Like Organism from Cases of Kerato-Conjunctivitis in Reindeer in Northern Norway


Eye inflammation in reindeer seems to be a condition frequently observed in many reindeer herding areas. Bergmann (1912) reported outbreaks of the condition in Scandinavia already at the beginning of this century, and it spread like a contagious disease. The aetiology seems to be complex, as Bergmann found many different kinds of bacteria in his material. In a recent publication, Rehbinder (1970) reported the occurrence of larvae of the reindeer nostril fly (Cephenomyia trompe) in affected eyes. In Norway, eye inflammation in reindeer has also been observed, although outbreaks of the disease seem to be rare.


  • Bergmann, A. M.: Smittsom hornhinneinflammation, keratitis infec- tiosa, hos ren. (Infectious keratitis in reindeer). Skand. Vet.-T. 1912, 2, 145–154, 177-207.

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  • Haraldstad, S.: Personal communication 1975.

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  • Rehbinder, C.: Observations of 1st instar larvae of nostril fly (Cephe- nomyia trompe L.) in the eye of reindeer and their relation to keratitis in this animal. Acta vet. scand. 1970, 11, 338–339.

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Kummeneje, K. Isolation of Neisseria Ovis and a Colesiota Conjunctivae-Like Organism from Cases of Kerato-Conjunctivitis in Reindeer in Northern Norway. Acta Vet Scand 17, 107–108 (1976).

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