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Improved Method to Estimate Oxygen Consumption, Diffusing Capacity and Blood Flow of Synovial Membrane


The joint cartilage is depending on the oxygen diffusing from the capillaries of the synovial membrane through the synovial tissue and synovial fluid.

In the present study we describe a new method to calculate the diffusing capacity (DO2), oxygen consumption (VO2) and blood flow of the synovial membrane. The principle of the method is to perfuse the joint cavity with two saline solutions, one with high and one with low oxygen and nitrogen partial pressures and to measure the oxygen and nitrogen partial pressures in the perfusate flowing out of the joint. Using a model of gas exchange between the joint and the membrane a set of equations was derived expressing the relationship between the blood flow, diffusing capacity and oxygen consumption and the oxygen and nitrogen flowing to and from the joint in the two different perfusion situations. In 12 rabbit knee joints we found a blood flow of 0.388 ml/min (SEM 0.027), VO2 of 0.495 µl/min (SEM 0.196) and DO2 of 0.024 µl/min/Torr SEM 0.003 (mean).


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Svalastoga, E., Kiœr, T. & Grønlund, J. Improved Method to Estimate Oxygen Consumption, Diffusing Capacity and Blood Flow of Synovial Membrane. Acta Vet Scand 30, 113–119 (1989).

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