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Studies on Microaerophilic Cocci (Stuart-Schwan Cocci) Isolated from Summer Mastitis and Other Pyogenic Infections of Cattle


Forty-nine strains of microaerophilic gram-positive cocci (Stuart-Schwan cocci) isolated from summer mastitis, ”pyogenes”-mastitis, other pyogenic conditions of Danish cattle and swine, and from the sheep headfly Hydrotaea irritans were biochemically characterized with the API 50 CH and API ZYM test kit systems, and screened for production of a variety of extracellular enzymes by agar plate methods. For comparison 4 strains isolated from Swedish cases of heifer and dry cow mastitis were included in the study.

Similarity calculations indicated a high degree of homogeneity within the strains studied (similarity level 92 %; group mean similarity 87 %). The strains probably represent one species, although the taxonomic position of the organism remains unclear. The biochemical feature of the strains studied were very similar for strains isolated from cases of summer mastitis and strains from other sources of origin. It is suggested that the Stuart-Schwan coccus occurs as a natural cohabitant to Actinomyces pyogenes, Peptostreptococcus indolicus and the anaerobic organism characteristic of the bacterial complex isolated from summer mastitis and similar pyogenic conditions in ruminants and swine.


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My sincere thanks are due to Dr. Gunner Høi Sorensen, National Veterinary Laboratory, Aarhus Branch, for providing the Danish strains of the Stuart-Schwan cocci. Thanks are also due to Dr. Olof Schwan, Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Uppsala, for the provision of the Swedish reference strains. The skilful technical assistance of Ms. Marianne Christiansen in performing the practical laboratory work is very much appreciated. This work was supported by grant no. 13-1773 from The Danish Agricultural and Veterinary Research Council.

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Madsen, M. Studies on Microaerophilic Cocci (Stuart-Schwan Cocci) Isolated from Summer Mastitis and Other Pyogenic Infections of Cattle. Acta Vet Scand 30, 165–174 (1989).

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