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Thyroxine in Blood Plasma Related to Plasma Levels of Acetoacetate and Glucose in Ketotic and Healthy Cows


Plasma samples were taken before morning feeding twice weekly for the first 3 months post partum from 28 individually fed cows, of which 8 developed clinical ketosis. Feed rations consisted of grass silage ad libitum and concentrates. The high incidence of ketosis may be accounted for mainly by substandard amounts of feed energy, and by variations in the quality of the grass silage.

The following sources of post-partum thyroxine variation were found to be statistically significant (p < 0.001): The individual cow, the individual pre-calving thyroxine level, metabolic status estimated by plasma levels of acetoacetate or glucose, and elapsed time from partus. The post-partum decrease in thyroxine was greater in cows which developed ketosis (55 %) than at the corresponding stage of lactation in those which remained moderately ketonaemic (33 %). Extensive overlapping of ranges nevertheless indicates that the apparent hypothyroidism of ketosis is of limited importance for the etiology of the disease. Susceptibility to ketosis was not related to the thyroxine levels observed before partus or after recovery from the disease, in the third month of lactation. Evidence was obtained of a common glucose threshold of about 3.6 mmol/1, below which decreasing sugar levels were accompanied by progressive increments in acetoacetate and decreases in thyroxine. Above the threshold level, the average level of the hormone increased from the first to the third month of lactation in spite of a poor correlation to glucose.


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Ropstad, E., Halse, K. & Refsdal, A.O. Thyroxine in Blood Plasma Related to Plasma Levels of Acetoacetate and Glucose in Ketotic and Healthy Cows. Acta Vet Scand 30, 175–183 (1989).

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