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Effect of Transportation and Relocation in Post-Weaning Anoestrous Primiparous Sows


The object of this investigation was to study the clinical and endocrine responses to transportation and relocation in 8 post-weaning anoestrous sows. They had been anoestrous for at least 24 days after weaning before transportation/relocation was performed. Laparoscopy, performed at the beginning of the experiment, revealed that the ovaries contained many follicles (≤ 6 mm in diameter), but no corpora lutea. Blood samples, taken before and after transportation/relocation, showed that LH activity was low at the beginning of the experiment and increased after transportation/relocation in the majority of the sows. Peripheral plasma concentrations of oestradiol-17β increased 1–4 days after transportation/relocation in 6 out of 8 sows which was followed by oestrus and ovulation. Progesterone concentrations were also below the practical detection limit until the end of oestrus. This study has demonstrated that a change in environment by transportation and relocation can induce oestrus by increasing the LH activity in post-weaning anoestrous sows.


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This work was supported by grants from the Swedish Council for Forestry and Agricultural Research. A scholarship awarded to S. Rojanasthien by the Swedish Institute is acknowledged.

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Rojanasthien, S. Effect of Transportation and Relocation in Post-Weaning Anoestrous Primiparous Sows. Acta Vet Scand 30, 1–8 (1989).

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