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Effect of Iron on Erythropoietin Production in Anaemic Piglets


In the present study the response of plasma erythropoietin to iron injection in anaemic piglets was examined. At the age of 16 days, 4 piglets from the same litter were given 180 mg iron subcutane-ously. After iron injection, blood samples for estimation of erythropoietin activity in plasma, haemoglobin concentration, and reticulocyte counts were taken every 6 or 12 h for 3 Vi days. Plasma erythropoietin activity was estimated by a monoclonal enzyme-im-munoassay (ELISA), developed for human erythropoietin. On the day of iron injection, haemoglobin concentration ranged between 41 and 48 g/1, reticulocyte counts from 9 to 17 percent, and plasma erythropoietin between 22 and 144 mU/ml. In 3 of the 4 piglets, iron injection resulted in a 2-6 fold increase in erythropoietin activity. Maximal eryth-ropoietin activities were observed 24-42 h after injection, and after 66 h, the activities were close to the pretreatment values. It is concluded that in our experiment, iron, per se, has stimulated erythropoietin production.


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Sjaastad, Ø.V., Framstad, T. & Blom, A.K. Effect of Iron on Erythropoietin Production in Anaemic Piglets. Acta Vet Scand 37, 133–138 (1996).

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