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Escherichia Coli and Virus isolated from “Sticky Kits”


A total of 121 Escherichia coli strains isolated from 3-week-old mink kits were serotyped and examined for virulence factors. 56 strains were isolated from healthy kits while 65 were from “sticky kits”. Among these, 34 different serotypes were detected. No difference in serotypes or the presence of virulence factors could be detected between healthy and diseased kits. By electron microscopy of faecal samples corona-, rota-, and calicivirus were demon-strated among healthy as well as diseased kits.


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Jorgensen, M., Scheutz, E. & Strandbygaard, B. Escherichia Coli and Virus isolated from “Sticky Kits”. Acta Vet Scand 37, 163–169 (1996).

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