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Comparative Effect of Selenium in Wheat, Barley, Fish Meal and Sodium Selenite for Prevention of Exudative Diathesis in Chicks

Komparativ effekt av selen i vete, korn, fiskmjรถl och natriumselenit vid fรถrebyggandet av exudativ diates i kycklingar


Groups af White Leghorn chicks obtained from dams deprived on selenium (Se), were fed from hatching a low-Se-vitamin E basal diet alone, or supplemented with 0.02, 0.04, 0.06 or 0.08 mg Se/kg diet, as sodium selenite (Na2SeO3 ยท 5H2O), wheat, barley or fish meal. Prevention of the Se-vitamin E deficiency responsive disease exudative diathesis (ED) as it was clinical observed, induction of the plasma Se dependent enzyme glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity, and Se concentration in the cardiac muscle were observed to be dietary Se level and source dependent. Slope ratio assay was applied to estimate the biological availability of Se in the natural sources relative to Se in sodium selenite. For the prevention of ED, the bioavailability of Se in wheat, barley and fish meal was 99, 85 and 80 %, respectively. The increase in the plasma GSH-Px activity revealed a bioavailability for Se in wheat, barley and fish meal of 79, 71 and 66 %, respectively. Using retention of Se in the cardiac muscle as the bioassay, a bioavailability of 108, 87 and 100 % was calculated for wheat, barley and fish meal Se, respectively.


Vita Leghornky eklinga r efter hรถns utarmade pรฅ selen utfodrades frรฅn klรคckning gruppvis enbart med en selen- och E-vitaminfattig basaldiet eller basaldieten sopplementerad med 0.02, 0.04, 0.06 eller 0.08 mg selen/kg foder som natriumselenit, vete, korn eller fiskmjรถl. Fรถrebyggandet av kliniska symptom till den av selen-E-vitaminbrist beroende sjukdomen exudativ diates (ED), induceringen av aktiviteten av selenberoende enzymet glutation peroxidas i plasma och koncentrationen av selen i hjรคrtmuskeln konstaterades vara beroende bรฅde pรค mรคngden dietรคrt tillfรถrt selen och pรฅ arten av selenkรคlla. Lineรคr regressionsanalys anvรคndes fรถr att uppskatta selenets biologiska tillgรคnglighet i de naturliga fodermedlen jรคmfรถrt med den fรถr natriumselenit.

Vid fรถrebyggandet av exudativ diates var den biologiska tillgรคngligheten av selen 99 % i vete, 85 % i korn och 80 % i fiskmjรถl. Induceringen av plasma glutation peroxidasaktiviteten avslรถjade en biologisk tillgรคnglighet av selen pรฅ 79 % i vete, 71 % i korn och 55 % i fiskmjรถl. Anvรคndningen av selen re tention i hjรคrtmuskeln som biologiskt mรฅtt fรถr selenets biologiska tillgรคnglighet gav som motsvarande siffror 108 % fรถr vete, 87 % fรถr korn och 100 % fรถr fiskmjรถl.


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The author wishes to thank professor Juhani Hakkarainen, Department of Clinical Nutrition, College of Veterinary Medicine, Uppsala, Sweden, and professor Paul Lindberg, Department of Biochemistry, College of Veterinary Medicine, Helsinki, Finland, for their help and advice while conducting this investigation. The generous supply of selenium enriched wheat and barley by Ph.D. Johan Korkman, and Kemira Oy, Helsinki, Finland, and herring fish meal by Dir. Bertil รถsterbo, Vรคstkustfisk AB, Gothenburg, Sweden is gratefully acknowledged. Thanks are due to M.Sc. Birgitta Vegerfors-Persson and Ph.D. Gunnar Ekbohm, the Department of Economics and Statistics, College of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden, for performing the statistical analyses. This investigation was supported by grants from the Swedish Council for Forestry and Agricultural Research.

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Hassan, S. Comparative Effect of Selenium in Wheat, Barley, Fish Meal and Sodium Selenite for Prevention of Exudative Diathesis in Chicks. Acta Vet Scand 27, 461โ€“478 (1986).

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