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Haemagglutinating and Hydrophobic Properties of Corynebacterium (Eubacterium) Suis

Hæmagglutinerende og hydrofobe egenskaber hos Corynebacterium (Eubacterium) suis


Corynebacterium (Eubacterium) suis strains from boars and sows haemagglutinated erythrocytes of different animal species (calf, guinea pig, poultry, pig, and human).

The haemaigglutination was man nose resistant (MR) and was neither inhibited by L-fucose nor D-galactose. The hydrophobicity measured by salt aggregation test (0.1–0.9 mol/1 (NH4)2SO4) and the hydrophobic interaction chromatography test (90 % retention in octyl sepharose) together with the haemagglutinating activity, indicated the presence of fimbriae on the bacteria. The haemagglutinating and hydrophobic properties were heat-sensitive (60°C for 10 min) suggestive of the presence of a protein structure. Two types of fimbria-tion were demonstrated by electron microscopy. Fetuin and glyco^ protein inhibited the haemagglutination, whereas porcine mucin was without any effect. These results indicate that branched glycoproteins might be important receptors for these fimbriae.

The pathogenic aspects of C. suis are discussed, based on recent acquired knowledge of the effect of other pyelonephritogenic bacteria.


Corynebacterium (Eubacterium) suis stammer isoleret fra søer og ornesæd hæmagglutinerede erythrocytter fra kalv, marsvin, høns, svin og menneske. Hæmagglutinationsevnen blev ikke hæmmet af D-mannose, L-fucose eller D-galactose. Hydrofobicitet målt ved salt-aggregeringstest (0,1–0,9 mol/l (NH4)2SO4) og ved interaktionskromatografi (90 % tilbageholdelse i octyl-sepharose) i forbindelse med hæmagglulination af erythrocytter indikerede tilstedeværelse af fimbriae. De hæmagglutinerende og hydrofobe egenskaber var varmelabile (60°C i 10 min), hvilket tydede på, at de var forårsaget af proteiner. To typer af fimbriering blev påvist ved elektronmikroskopi. Fetuin og glycoprotein hæmmede hæmagglutinationen, medens porcinmucin var uden effekt. Dette kan tyde på, at forgrenede glycoproteiner kan være receptorer for disse fimbriae.

Med basis i erfaringer for andre bakterier, der er involveret i pyelonephritis, diskuteres patogenetiske aspekter ved dette syndrom.


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The very skilful technical assistance of Merete Mørk Jensen is greatly appreciated. We also thank Ebert Müller for the photographic work, and Jane Røken for the typing of the manuscript.

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Larsen, J.L., Høgh, P. & Houind-Hougen, K. Haemagglutinating and Hydrophobic Properties of Corynebacterium (Eubacterium) Suis. Acta Vet Scand 27, 520–530 (1986).

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