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Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Maturation of Bovine Oocytes Cultured with dbc AMP, FSH AND hCG

Virkning af dbc AMP, FSH og hCG på den bovine oocytmodning in vitro


The present investigation was undertaken to study the effect of addition of dbc AMP on bovine oocyte maturation and fertilization in vitro. The bovine oocytes isolated from 2–8 mm follicles were cultured for 26 h in TCM-199. The maturation rate (71.4 %) did not significantly increase after supplementation of the culture medium with dbc AMP (86.3 %.) or FSH + hCG (86.3 %). The in vitro fertilization rate of oocytes based on sperm penetration and presence of sperm tail in the ooplasm increased significantly in the dbc AMP (34.7 %) and the dbc AMP + FSH + hCG (33.9 %) treated groups when compared with untreated controls (17.9 %). However, dbc AMP treated oocytes were not able to secure the formation of male pronucleus 20 h after in vitro fertilization, while in oocytes matured in dbc AMP free medium both pronuclei were present in approximately 15 % of the penetrated oocytes. Also, the sperm head decondensation was blocked or slowed down by the dbc AMP treatment. It is concluded (1) that dbc AMP may improve the condition for the interaction of oocytes with spermatozoa, and (2) that the ooplasm of such dbc AMP treated oocytes apparently is not able to decandense the sperm head and transform it to the male pronucleus.


Nærværende undersøgelse blev iværksat med henblik på at undersøge om dbc AMP påvirker in vitro modning og in vitro fertilisation af bovine oocyter opsamlet fra slagtehusmarteriale (2–8 mm follikler). Isolerede oocyter omgivet af et tæt lag cumulusceller blev dyrket i 26 timer i TCM-199 tilsat enten dbc AMP eller FSH og hCG, In vitro modningsraterne i de 2 medier var henholdsvis 86,3 % og 86,3 %. In vitro penetrationsraterne baseret på tilstedeværelsen af sædcellens hale og hoved (dekondenseret) øgedes signifikant med tilsætning af dbc AMP (34,7 %) og dbc AMP + FSH + hCG (33,9 %) i forhold til kontrolgruppen (17,9%). Imidlertid var ingen af de dbc AMP behandlede oocyter i stand til at udvikle normale hanlige forkærner, medens 15 % af de ikke behandlede oocyter var i stand til at understøtte dekondenseringsprocessen, Ud fra disse resultater kan det konkluderes (1) at dbc AMF behandling øger spermiepenetrationsraten, men (2) at dbc AMP behandling samtidig hindrer en normalt forløbende spermiekondenseringsproces.


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The work was supported by grants from the Danish Veterinary and Agricultural Research Council and Leo- Research Foundation.

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Liehman, P., Greve, T. & Xu, R.P. Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Maturation of Bovine Oocytes Cultured with dbc AMP, FSH AND hCG. Acta Vet Scand 27, 566–574 (1986).

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