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Enigmatic Cyst-Forming Sporozoon in the Spinal Cord of a Dog


A female racing greyhound dog was presented to the clinic at the age of 3 months with a 2 months’ history of irregular hindleg movements and thin hindleg muscles. On examination 1 month later, a squatting standing posture, a week proprio-ceptive positioning reaction, and severe atrophy and pain of the lumbar and thigh muscles, were evident. The dog was sacrificed and necropsied. The adrenals, hindleg muscles, kidneys, myo-cardium, peripheral nerves, spinal cord, thyroid, and tonsils were fixed in 10 % neutral buffered formalin and processed for histo-pathology.


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We thank Dr. L. Sjöland, the National Veterinary Institute, Upp-sala, for making the immunoperoxidase staining.

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Hilali, M., Lindberg, R., Waller, T. et al. Enigmatic Cyst-Forming Sporozoon in the Spinal Cord of a Dog. Acta Vet Scand 27, 623–625 (1986).

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