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A Comparison of the Oxytetracycline Preparations Aquacycline® and Terramycin®–100 with Regard to Absorption Characteristics, Local Tissue Reactions and Residues Following Dewlap Injections in Calves

En sammenligning av oksytetracyklinpreparatene Aquacycline® og Terramycin®-100 med hensyn på absorpsjonskarakteristika, lokale vevsreaksjoner og rester på injeksjonsstedet etter administrasjon i dogglappen på kalv


In an experiment with 12 calves, Aquacycline® in a 5 % (OTC-A5) and a 10 % (OTC-A10) solution, was compared with Terramycin®-100 (OTC-C) by injecting 20 mg OTC/kg bwt. of these preparations in the dewlap and monitoring serum concentrations as well as tissue reactions and residues at the site of injection. All 3 preparations resulted in oxytetracycline (OTC) serum concentrations above 0.5 µg/ml of approximately 60 h. During this period, OTC-A5 resulted in a 39 % and OTC-A10 in a 20 % larger area under the serum concentration-time curve, as compared to OTC-C (P < 0.05). The recorded tissue reaction in the form of swelling during the first week following injection of OTC-A5 averaged 72 % of that after OTC-C (P < 0.01), while the mean swelling after OTC-A10 was 81 % of the corresponding value after OTC-C (P < 0.05). The OTC residue levels at the sites of injection were lower after OTC-A5, but none of the preparations resulted in OTC residues exceeding 0.3 mg at 28 days and about 0.15 mg at 42 days after injection. The pathological changes at the site of injection were somewhat more pronounced in those calves which received OTC-C. Accordingly, these results give some support to the claims that Aquacycline® offers advantages with respect to absorption characteristics and tissue tolerance.


Aquacycline® i 5 % (0TC-A5) og 10 % (OTC-A10) oppløsning ble sammenlignet med Terramycin®-100 (OTG-G) i et forsøk med 12 kalver. Preparatene ble injisert i dogglappen i en dose av 20 mg oksytetracyklin (OTC)/kg kroppsvekt. Serumkonisentrasjoner, vevsreaksjoner og rester på injeksjonsstedet ble registrert.

Etter injeksjon av alle tre preparatene var OTGHserumkonsentrasjonen høyere enn 0.5 μg/ml i ca. 60 timer. I denne perioden var arealet under serumkonsentrasjonskurven 39 % større for OTG-A5 og 20 % større for OTG-A10 enn for OTC-C (P < 0.05).

I den første uken etter injeksjonen av OTG-A5 var hevelsen på injeksjonsstedet gjennomsnittlig 72 % av den etter OTG-G (P < 0.01), mens den tilsvarende verdi etter OTG-A10 var 81 % (P < 0.05).

OTG-restene på injeksjonsstedet var lavest etter OTC-A5, men for ingen av preparatene oversteg restene 0.3 mg 28 dager og 0.15 mg 42 dager etter administrasjonen. Vevsforandrinigene på injektionsstedet var noe mer uttalte etter OTC-C.

Resultatene viser at Aquacycline® under disse forsøksbetingelser byr på fordeler i forhold til Terramycin® når det gjelder absorpsjonskarakteristika og vevstoleranse.


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The authors wish to thank the Field Station staff, Faculty of Agriculture for providing the animals used in the present study. We are also indebted to the staff of the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, The Norwegian College of Veterinary Medicine, for their valuable help and advice.

The OTG preparations were generously supplied by the Pfizer Laboratory Ltd., Nairobi, Kenya, and Rosco A/S, Taastrup, Denmark.

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Maritim, A.C., Sohlberg, S., Lindqvist, K. et al. A Comparison of the Oxytetracycline Preparations Aquacycline® and Terramycin®–100 with Regard to Absorption Characteristics, Local Tissue Reactions and Residues Following Dewlap Injections in Calves. Acta Vet Scand 27, 361–368 (1986).

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