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Serum Complement Component C3 Levels in Cattle: Genetic Influence and Association with Total Haemolytic Activity

Complement komponent C3 nivåer i serum hos storfe. Genetisk innflytelse og sammenheng med total hemolytisk complement


Serum C3 levels and total haemolytic complement (HC) activity were determined simultaneously in young bulls (130 animals, 14 sire families). 3 of the 14 families show considerable deviation in C3 levels and there was significant correlation between G3 and HC.


Serum G3 nivåer ble bestemt hos ungokser (130 dyr fordelt på 14 halvsøskenfamilier) samtidig med total hemolytisk complement (HC). Betydelig familie varias jon ble registrert og en signifikant korrelasjon mellom G3 og HG ble funnet.


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Syed, M., Lie, Ø. & Solbu, H. Serum Complement Component C3 Levels in Cattle: Genetic Influence and Association with Total Haemolytic Activity. Acta Vet Scand 27, 250–256 (1986).

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