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Meiosis in Bovine Oocytes Matured in Vitro and in Vivo

In vitro og in vivo modning af bovine oocyter


Meiosis in bovine oocytes has; been studied after maturation in vitro or in vivo. Oocytes for in vitro maturation were collected from the ovaries of slaughtered cattle without regard to the phase of the estrous cycle while in vivo maturation was studied in oocytes from gonadotrophin-stimulated heifers at times varying between 6 and 36 h after the beginning of behavioural estrus. Oocytes from slaughtered cattle were classified according to their cumulus complex and ooplasm and were cultured for 6, 12, 18, 24, 36 or 48 h in modified Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate buffer before fixation) for cytogenetic analysis. Oocytes from stimulated heifers were aspirated from follicles or flushed from the oviducts, classified according to cumulus and ooplasm, and fixed within 6 h of collection. Nuclear maturation was more rapid in vitro than in vivo. The largest proportion of oocytes reached maturity (Mil) after 12 to 18 h in culture or 30 to 36 h after the onset of behavioural estrus. Oocytes devoid of cumulus cells or showing signs of vacuolation or degeneration had virtually no capacity for nuclear maturation.


Meiosens tidsmæssige forløb og strukturelle forhold blev sammenlignet ved in vitro og in vivo modning.

Til in vitro studierne indsamledes cumulus-oocyt-komplekser (GOG) fra slagtehusimateriale. Efter vurdering af cumuluscelleiagene og ooplasma blev en del straks lajgft, på is (kontroloocyter), mens de øvrige blev dyrket i Krebs-Ringer bikarbonatopløsining i henholdsvis 6, 12, 18, 24, 36 og 48 timer. Efter endt dyrkningsperiode blev cumuluscellelagene fjernet og oocyten fikseret og farvet med henblik på en cy togen etisk vurdering. In vivo modnede oocyter blev aspireret fra ovarier eller udskyllet af ovidukter på superovulerede køer 6–36 timer efter stående brunsts begyndelse. Deres cumuluscellelag og ooplasma blev vurderet straks efter opsamling og 6 timer senere blev de fikseret, farvet og underkastet en cytogenetisk vurdering.

Resultaterne viste, at mieiosen forløber hurtigere in vitro end in vivo, at hovedparten af de in vitro dyrkede oocyter afslutter deres modning, d. v. s. har nået MII-stadiet efter 12–18 timer, at hovedparten af de in vivo modnede findes på MII-stadiet 30–36 timer efter brunstens begyndelse og endelig, at oocyter uden cumuluscellelag og/eller tegn på degeneration ikke besidder evnen til at gennemføre en normal meiose. Det blev endvidere godtgjort, at oocyter, der kommer fra dyr med afvigende hormonprofiler, har en ringere kvalitet målt ved deres modningsevne.


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The authors are grateful to Dr. K. J. Betteridge for valuable discussions, Mr. R. Bériault, Ms. G. Pineault and Mr. M. Desjardins for technical assistance and to Ms. H. Boucher for typing the manuscript. This project was funded by the Canadian Association of Animal Breeders and the Carlsberg Foundation (Denmark) and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.

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King, W.A., Bousquet, D., Grève, T. et al. Meiosis in Bovine Oocytes Matured in Vitro and in Vivo. Acta Vet Scand 27, 267–279 (1986).

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