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Improvement of the Teflonized Slides Used in the Immunofluoresgent Antibody Technique


The indirect fluorescent antibody (IF) test is often performed on glass slides prepared with smears or tissue sections containing an antigen. It is convenient to have several separate and distinct areas of antigen on the same slide, e.g. to compare dilution steps, and to save time when producing the antigen slides. With this end in view a technique for preparing slides with wells in a thin film of teflon-like compound has been elaborated (Goldman 1968). This technique is useful when a great number of slides need to be prepared in advance, e.g. to test a substantial amount of material. It has, however, not been widely used im serology for Babesia, perhaps because any teflon remaining within the wells is stained with the fluorescent dye, thus creating a potentially disturbing background.


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I wish to express my sincere thanks to Ms Kerstin Candelöf for her skilful technical assistance.

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Christensson, D. Improvement of the Teflonized Slides Used in the Immunofluoresgent Antibody Technique. Acta Vet Scand 27, 296–298 (1986).

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