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An Epidemiologic and Economic Study of Respiratory Diseases in Two Conventional Danish Swine Herds. II: Associations Between Lesions Present at Slaughter and Mean Daily Gains During Specific Intervals of the Growth Period


A total of 578 slaughter pigs from 2 Danish conventional farrow-to-finish operations (Herds a and B) were followed from an age of 14 days to slaughter. Pigs were weighed at 3 weeks intervals and at slaughter and extended post mortem examination of the plucks was done. Regression models with second and third order interaction terms demonstrated that Mycoplasma-like pneumonia, complicated pneumonia, anterio-ventral pleuritis, pericarditis, fissures and atrophic rhinitis, separately and through interactions with other lesions, significantly reduced mean daily gains during specific intervals of the growth period in 2 conventional swine herds. It is likely that the periods of reduced growth reflect the times when the diseases were in the acute and early recovery stages. Maximum estimated reductions in daily gains associated with the combined lesions were 82 grams and 283 grams during the interval 120-140 days in Herds A and B, respectively. Although dorso-caudal pleuritis and parietal pleuritis had minor negative effects during 2 intervals neither had a significant adverse effect on total growth rate in either herd (Paisley et al. 1993). R2 values for the regression models were less than 0.27 showing that the lesions present at slaughter explained less than 27% of the variation in herd mean daily gains during any interval.


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This manuscript is dedicated to Prof. Dr. Med. Vet. Ole Aalund who passed away before completion of the study. The authors thank The Federation of Danish Pig Producers and Slaughter Houses and The Danish Agricultural and Veterinary Research Council for the financial support for this project.

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Paisley, L., Vraa-Andersen, L., Dybkjœr, L. et al. An Epidemiologic and Economic Study of Respiratory Diseases in Two Conventional Danish Swine Herds. II: Associations Between Lesions Present at Slaughter and Mean Daily Gains During Specific Intervals of the Growth Period. Acta Vet Scand 34, 331–344 (1993).

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